Wednesday, 3 February 2010

tea-nage mu-tea-nt tea-ro tea-urtles.

Well. Well well well. Well well WELL well WELL.

We have put in a new super mega order! Along with the reorder of some of the old favourites, we have a bucket load of newbies, awaiting your condescending stares and hushed whispers as they sheepishly make their way to the cafeteria for the first time, only to trip with their trays and fall on their faces and get milkshake in their hair and soup in their long-johns. But then you realise they aren't so bad. In fact you get to know them, and because they have come from some other place, you find them really interesting. They get popular. So popular that they start running the show, and before you know it, you are the one getting whispered about and minestrone in your undergarments. It's the circle of life. Or something.

In other news the Great India Trip of 2010 has been delayed slightly. We are now departing on March the 10th, returning on April the 1st - but we aint no fools! Or are we? Discuss.

Doing things this way means we are sure to catch some tea processing, and we have been invited to stay on some of the most highly regarded estates in Darjeeling, which is overwhelmingly generous of the owners. We cannot wait. There will be pics a plenty and a torrent of tales, toot diddle peep.

We met with the fire safety people, and they say it's ok for us to have people in the building, which is great. It would be a bitter disappointment if we opened the tea house, and no one was allowed in. Also, they say we are allowed fireworks and a mega bonfire inside on the opening night! Which is great news.

Right. News flash over. We hope anyone, anywhere who has supped a Quilliam Brothers Brew is super. And those who haven't, we hope you do sometime sup a superb Quilliam Brothers Brew. Supposing there are those who are fibbing about supping a QB brew, then fess up, supplement your tea supply and show your support with a supreme sup. Ahhhhh, words.


1 comment:

Goats on the Roof! said...

You have been recommended to us by Charlie Dancer, who is one of my brother's friends, as the best place to get tea in Newcastle. We are currently setting up a coffee shop called "Goats on the Roof!" near Rothbury in Northumberland which has a turf roof on which rare breed goats will be living and which will be opening on the 31st of July. We are looking for a supplier of teas especially Chai Tea which, according to Charlie, you make nicer than Starbucks (which I must say is pretty impressive). If you think you would be interested in supplying us please call us on 01669 620 599 or email us at, it would be great to talk to you!

Hope to speak soon,


Goats on the Roof!