Monday, 22 February 2010

A Test! A TEST!

A blind tasting test has been executed.

Aim : To find the one Breakfast Tea to rule them all, one Breakfast Tea to find them, one Breakfast Tea to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them.

Hypothesis : We were somewhat nervous and could not imagine what the results would be. We very much hoped that there would be a noticeable difference between tea scrap filled bags and quality loose leaf tea, but were not sure.

Method : In the line up - 6 big name branded bagged teas and 4 loose leaf varieties, including our very own Quilliam Brothers Breakfast Blend ©™©©™™™™

Each tea was steeped in boiling water for 3 minutes, and given an official glug of milk.

Each cup had a number on it, which corresponded to a list that only we had access to.

A gaggle of thespians in 60's attire was gathered, supplied with a ballot paper and a pen, and asked to taste each tea. They then wrote down their top 3 teas and any comments they had.

We brothers found it surprisingly exciting, and very much enjoyed the accompanying banter and discussions.

This is the only photo that worked. It's not ideal.

Here are the Results :

10th - Twinings Breakfast Blend (Surprising, as they have a very nice box)
9th - Morrisons Organic (Organic DOESN'T mean good?! You learn something new every blog)
8th - Coop 99 (disappointing oh you ethical coop you)
7th - Ringtons (Aaaaaa, the good old days)
6th - Yorkshire Gold (Lots of people said it was too nnnghhhh, chhhhsshhhh, and other mouth noises)
5th - Pumphreys Loose Leaf Breakfast Blend (Great tea, great people)
4th - Tetleys (booo)

Medal Positions -

3rd - A Good Hungarian Tea House Blend (which we believe is almost identical to our tea.)
1st - Our New Super Delux Surprise Delish Blend (name is currently under discussion)

Conclusion : We were testing ONSDSDB as it was something a bit unusual. And to our delight it was received positively. But the thesps did mention that despite it's deliciousness, it wasn't very suitable for a builders tea as it was a touch too light and there was too much tea-y flavour. Which we very much agree with. So we will be selling it, but as a brunch tea, or evening tea, or elevensis tea, or something. We will let you know.

Yes, yes, those tea giants Tetley's did well, but we figure that's because its the most widely drunk tea, and people are used to it, and maybe have nice associations with it, or something. Not that it's not delish, as it is. In fact there is a gargantuan sack of it right next to me, as we are Tetley's supporters through and through. Generally though, the loose leaf teas got the top spots. Go Joe Public!

So even though we got the silver medal, it was to a tea that was decided cant really pass as a breakfast tea. We are relieved, as it could have gone quite embarrassingly wrong. Mind you, i wouldn't have posted it on here. I would have attempted to erase the painful memories and cried myself to sleep and bought a sports car to boost my self esteem and picked a fight with a small person, who would then beat me up, steal my sports car and drive to a cafe to have a cup of whatever tea was victorious. Which would cause the fading painful memories to return, and it would all begin again.

So there we go. If there are any scientific journals that want to use our findings, all we require is a knighthood or three.

There's more news, but i will make it into another blog entry so it looks a bit more exciting.


P.S. Albino Squirrel

1 comment:

Chubs said...

Not just an albino squirrel, but you can also see a lost tiger, just popping it's head down at the top of the picture. I imagine it is hanging from a branch from its tail, the albino squirrel presumably having given it some lessons in acrobatic tree play.