This blog has been getting no loving of late.
This diagram illustrates why -
As you can see, this shows that if any of the 8 essential criteria are not running on High, then blogging is impossible. It also shows that i cannot create curving text on photoshop without it looking a little intoxicated.
So today, creativity is at an all time high, we are feeling inspired, we've got nowt on (schedule or clothing), the stereo is blasting the best of british prog rock, we're wired on tea, we have lots of news to report, energy levels are soaring and Craig David is working on something magical in the studio -
Thus, all conditions are perfect for Blogging.
It's a bit like the Planeteers, as all of them need to be present to create Captain Planet -
- If any one of them wasn't there, or wasn't firing on all cylinders, then the summoning would be impossible.
We've been on this project now for nearly 2 years.
Let's do a Q'n'A!
You - What's been achieved so far?
Us - Not much on the surface, admittedly. Our tea is selling well, we have learnt so much, and the web shop is running. We are doing stuff we didn't think we would be doing. Like stocking other cafes and doing tea lectures and serving tea at events and that. Which is all mint. But, yes, yes, it's not a tea house. And this frustrates and embarrasses us. Making us less likely to blog and more likely to hide. But the elongated tea house getting procedure has given us time to perfect the concept, improve our game plan and source all of our doohickies and whatnots.
You - Where is the tea house then, slackers?
Us - The tea house location has been secured. It is impossible for us to explain why this has taken so long as the circumstances are unique. When we unveil the location of the building, and the plans we have for it, you will see why, and hopefully you will forgive us. There is over 3 months of work to be done on the dilapidated building, and that will be beginning in November. So expect opening times around Easter 2012.
You - What shall we do in the mean time?
Us - Well, we will be updating the blog more often. Now things have finally started to move, we can begin making all the fun purchases and decisions for the tea house, and you will be the first to know. Apart from our mum and dad.
Tea wise, it is possible to obtain some from Olive and Bean in Town and Deli Fina in Gosforth. Or check our webshop for the full selection at Or, give us a shout through email, twitter(@quilliambros), or phone, and we can arrange a tasting session or something.
We will also be doing some markets and other such things in the near future, and will inform you, oh yes we will.
You could also fill your time reading this excellent blog -
You - What weighs more, a ton of feathers or a ton of rocks?
Us - A ton of rocks, obviously.
You - Any other news?
Well we have a newish nephew that we didn't used to have. Our tea stocks keeps on swelling as we discover new delicious brews. We had a massive trip recently with all the Quilliams, which was lovely, and included a trip to the somewhat snobby, but otherwise deservedly legendary, Bettys Tea Rooms. We are beginning work on our christmas products. A china trip is still on the cards, but god knows when that will be happening. Our window display (whilst we renovate the place) will be EPIC. As will the new Vinyl Jacket video.
and finally, THERE'S 20% OFF SNICKET ATM
We will be in touch shortly - Thanks for your continued interest, you little darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!! etc